Archive for April, 2010

Blades and Bubbles

April 28, 2010

Cleaning Tip: I love cooking and hate cleaning. Especially when my meal involves cleaning out a food processor or hand blender. Theres just no good way to get under that blade with a sponge. The other day I found that by putting some soap and water in a cup and blending it with the blender, it really did the trick AND was kind of fun to see bubbles form!

Rainin’ Blood

April 27, 2010

During the past couple of gloomy days, I stayed cooped up, listened to one of my favorite metal albums (Reign in Blood by Slayer), and got crafty!

Some results of my metal induced furry are for sale on my Etsy shop, I Felt That.

Formspring Mattress’ and Snot Collections.

April 26, 2010

After I watched all the Rick Moranis movies that both Netflix and my VHS selection had to offer, I spent some time on the phone with Sam who convinced me to start a Formspring page. I’m unsure of how I feel about it but so far its still there. It is also now on here with visuals. Prepare to get your mind blown WHILE wanting to punch me in my condescending little face.


Rick Moranis Day

April 25, 2010

Today I had big plans to ride my bike, go to the beach, and play in the park. Unfortunately, the rain has ruined these childlike plans leaving me at home remembering how much I used to like the movies featuring retired Canadian comedian, Rick Moranis.

So, today I declare is Rick Moranis day!

It is my dedicated to watching Rick Moranis movies and sewing like a Singer.

if you have instant Netflix, you can sorta partake in Rick Moranis day, too!

Dawning of a New Era

April 23, 2010

Post Specials Show self portrait

Can I share a moment, here? ok thanks.

The Specials was my palate band. Ya know…that band where you realize that you actually like a type of music and not just what you hear on the radio.

I was maybe 10 or 11 years old. While on the way to the mall, I saw the cassette laying by my feet in the back of a friends moms car. I liked the simplicity of the art work and asked if we could put it in.  I didn’t know anything about what I was hearing other than it had somehow instantly made me happier than ice cream and creepy crawlers ever could again. All I could seem to do was kind of let tears seep from my eyes and occasionally kick my feet with joy. I didn’t want that car ride to end because nothing could make me as happy as hearing that music for the first time just had.

What was your palate band? (I love knowing these little things about people!)

While some of my friends were on a munchie hunt on 4/20, my friend Smo and I went to see the Specials!

It was amazing to see a slew of men over 50 years old with more energy than I’ve had since I first heard their music. I had spent so many years just knowing I would probably never get the chance to see them though, that nothing about the show wasn’t amazing for me.

photo by Ryan Muir

When we left and I came to, I realized a few things:

  • my jacket got a beating
  • my Chucks are destroyed
  • my mouth was bleeding
  • I’d lost my voice
  • ……….I may have “skanked”

I regret nothing, except for not trying to weasel my way back in for day two of the show.

But my single regret won’t hold for long, because I was reminded that I will soon be heading back for their FREE show in Central Park on August 22nd!

Check out some impressive photos from the show: here.

and this kind of odd video someone put together: here.


April 22, 2010

A while back, I promised to transport a pile of treats to a friend for his birthday. Now, if I were meeting up with someone for a cup of tea or a visit to grandmas I would bring something like biscuits or scones. But for a celebration you need icing!!! Unfortunately, getting anything frosted from point A to point B in mint condition is nearly impossible unless I plan on lugging some oddly shaped piece of Tupperware back home….a chore I am not fond of.

So I went on a hunt for a tasty transportable treat and stumbled upon this recipe for homemade Oreos! I’m not a huge fan of Oreos, but these cookies have changed my mind. They were so fun, quick, and easy to make that I want to bake them all of the time.


How Rude.

April 20, 2010

It is a very Special day!

I Was Kidnapped.

April 16, 2010

Last week I was kidnapped! An old friend from the west coast came through New York while working, then took my shoes hostage, and took me along with him for a few days. From what I hear, they’re supposed to lock you up in a basement, give you a slice of Wonder bread, and send poorly composed letters to your family out of newspaper clippings, right? Well luckily for me, these guys had it all wrong…

I warn you that there is a lot of photos behind the cut


All My Friends Are Gay.

April 12, 2010

I feel like my friends are all so amazing, creative, and funny that its a shame to not have a damn good photo of each and every one of them in my life. Here, I’ve taken a collection of shots from the people I have spent some quality time with in the past month and linked them together. Although aesthetically pleasing, the solid colored walls probably create a very impersonal photograph to you. For me though, I can remember every situation in which I ended up conveniently place near each saturated setting. What we laughed about, what the weather was like, what we ate, ect.

This series a little bookmark to remember my adventures of the month. I hope to continue it, through out the next couple of months. Eventually having a place to display them all at their proper size.

see a larger view of the photo here.

Last Days of Winter

April 6, 2010

all photos by Chloe Rice

zombies v.s. bunnies

April 4, 2010

I know that Easter isn’t about bunnies, but how much cuter are they than a zombie jesus. I mean….common.

photos from The Daily Bunny

My Broken Cubical

April 2, 2010

I had recently recovered a hard drive full of music that I haven’t heard since high school, made myself a girly Ska mix, and spent all of yesterday partaking in my favorite spring time activity. SPRING CLEANING!

My non-cubicle was my favorite and most improved area.

Feel free to step into my office: (more…)