Archive for February, 2011


February 10, 2011

the absurdly bright red wall I pass on my way to the train, every day.

rescuing more plants than I know what to do with

instant results


buy back drinks from Max Fish

this visual list of 1960’s Japanese cartoons

extra long shoe laces

leaving situations I don’t feel like I deserve to be in

seeing my reflection, unexpectedlyfacebook, for reminding me of a very different time in life

making mountains appear in flat urban areas

laughing out loud in public

aj’s impromptu drawing sessionsthe vent to my sidewalk that blows warm air that smells like fresh laundryflowers that bloom and die at the same time friends who’s jobs involve picking noses.

light houses. This one in Ohio may be my favorite one.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Himitsu no Akko-chan
  • David Bowies Hunky Dory album. According to iTunes, I’ve listened to “Oh! You Pretty Things” 22 times this week.
  • thick yet soft bed sheets
  • layovers in Atlanta
  • drinking papaya juice and watching people get drenched in the cold rain
  • my grandma for always worrying about me, no matter how silly the situation
  • watching people stumble into moving walkways, in airports
  • this photo that Molly Burkett took of me
  • learning something new and being up until dawn exploring its possibilities
  • flying out of Laguardia airport, and seeing a birds eye view of the entire city
  • Bottle Rocket “They’ll never catch me, man… because I’m fucking innocent





Send Some Salami To Your Boy In The Army

February 8, 2011

New York is a bit of a city made for masochist. The best places in the city are the gritty ones with questionable food ethics and seemingly morose employees. Katz deli is one of these places. You walk into Katz and some disgruntled man slouched onto a stool hands you a ticket with a list of numbers on it and no explanation.  What they are NOT telling you when they hand you this ticket is:

  • you hand it to the person who makes your food, and they hand it back to you with the total on it.
  • if you lose this ticket, you get charged 50 bucks.
  • this “lost ticket fee” was instilled about 10 years ago.

You choose the person you want to make your sandwich, and they chop the meat in front of you, and give you a sample of the fresh meat while you wait. I always try to find the oldest guy because he’s usually the biggest asshole who makes the best sandwich.

Although the sandwiches are a bit pricey (15-17 dollars a pop) I bet you can’t get through half of one without wanting to die a little inside. As a meat eater and a lover of irrelevant history, this is one of my favorite New York establishments.

Heres a few more Katz facts:

  • Katz is where they filmed THE scene from When Harry Met Sally
  • It was established in 1888
  • During World War 2, they used the slogan “send a salami to your boy in the army” and still use it to this day
  • Each week, Katz’s serves 5,000 pounds of corned beef, 2,000 pounds of salami and 12,000 hot dogs


All photos by Chloe Rice

Make Monday: good coffee

February 7, 2011

I’m a total coffee snob. I drink it black, so that usually means I can taste all of its imperfections. If its burnt, old, ect.

Heres some tips on how to make a perfect cup of coffee.


  • Should be fine enough to allow water to pass through coffee grounds without overflow.
  • If you’re able to access a proper coffee shop, just ask them to ground it for whatever coffee chachkaa you use. (meletia cup, drip, french press, ect)


  • Start with two level tablespoons for every 6 oz cup; adjust to your taste


  • Water should be sweet, without excessive minerals or salt. Use spring water, if you’re not sure.


  • 190 Fahrenheit
  • The water should never be brought to a boil, because it’ll burn the coffee.


  • Good coffee will stay fresh for 2 weeks if kept air tight and away from moisture condensation.
  • Those waxy paper bags with the twist tie on top, that the coffee usually comes in? yeah. those work just dandy just as long as you squeeze out all excess air. and tightly close it.

How Did I Get Here?

February 5, 2011

I may have missed my ohJoy this Thursday, but its only because life is pretty amazing.