Posts Tagged ‘I’m old’

Rotary Love.

July 19, 2010

I’m currently living in a house with land lines. There is something more stable feeling about having a set place where your phone gets used. I sometimes feel like having a cell phone is like having a clingy boyfriend. Its always there and you’re constantly having to tend to it, creating impolite social situations. Hate it. Luckily, my cell phone is so slim, that I constantly lose it for days at a time. I wonder if my thoughts on current phones would be different if I owned this awesome Bluetooth rotary.

Communication was so much more exciting when I used a rotary phone. There’s just a satisfaction in everything from the dialing process to being able to speak into a receiver that didn’t molest the side of your face. My land lines are all rotary style, so I shouldn’t complain. Especially since if I was ever to lure a small child into my house,  they would have no idea how to call 911. As proven by this very sad video.